Friday, May 31, 2019


I know it's good sport among the smart-set types to have a laugh at the idea that a seasoned, savvy politician like Nancy Pelosi needn't jump at the beck and call of internet scriveners and opinion weasels, but here's the deal:  impeachment is a necessity now, period. She can figure out the timetable and the rollout and all, but it needs to be done.

After Mueller's public statement yesterday, failure to impeach would be more catastrophic for the Democrats than impeachment, trial, and failure to convict. They were voted back into the House to rein in Grampa Walnuts and his arrogant criminality, not to tsk-tsk and send letters. Any random fool on the street can do that shit. Backing down now would just be a show of total weakness, a clear signal that they can do whatever they please without repercussions. And why not? So far, they can.

It's hard to be patient, but I do believe that Pelosi is slowly working her way toward getting the process in motion. They will impeach, hopefully soon. But there are three things they can do to make this process much more effective:
  1. Approach it as a marketing campaign. Seriously. Say what you want about Trump's nonsensical chants of "no collusion," but it's effective on his base. Simple, clear, consistent messaging. Quit stumbling from info tidbit to hastily gathered photo op. This is the product, this is the value proposition, here is the launch and the rollout. Identify your point people (four to six maximum) and flood the fucking zone with them. Have them say the same few catch-phrases over and over and fucking over again as the investigation progresses and more shit comes out, until the rube on the corner knows the tunes by heart. Stop praising your "diversity" and "tolerance," which just boils down to piss-poor attempts to herd cats, and get your shit together. Build your own cult, for fuck's sake.
  2. Tell the political consultants to go fuck themselves. It's those rented weasel-faced "centrist" dirtbags that got you in this mess in the first place. Listen to your voters for once, the sentiment is clear. Trump's voters are already "energized." They're all in regardless. You need to start worrying about not demoralizing your own base. We all know this motherfucker's crooked like a three-dollar bill, and if the Democrats are not going to vigorously pursue these matters, per their constitutional and moral obligation, then people will not bother to show up next year. What would be the point? Quit trying to poach these imaginary slivers of assholes who despise you, and start giving the people who want to vote for you a reason to do so.
  3. Start identifying vulnerable Republicans in the House and Senate, and work them over. Approach them as colleagues and make one last good-faith effort to (lulz) appeal to what's left of their better angels, and when that inevitably fails, be ready to do town halls in their districts, using that message discipline, and get it all up on YouTube and social media. Fuck the corporate media. They're only talking to each other. Get some polls together that start showing some effect on the incumbent's rating, and then go back to those traitors and give them one last chance to do the right thing before you go scorched-earth on their worthless asses. Justin Amash is an outlier, but you get just a couple more to budge, and you get momentum. The next one of these gutless turds to "express private misgivings," ask them straight-up what it's going to take to get them to grow a conscience. Once they name a price, now you have a negotiation point.
The challenge with Mueller's investigation is that the deeper he dug, the broader the vein of corruption gold became. It's clear that we still probably don't know half of what went on -- hell, Mueller himself probably still doesn't know the half of it. That corrupt piece of shit Barr shut him down, pure and simple. There's a reason for that. The impeachment investigative process will bring more of that corruption to light, and consistent marketing of that steady drip-drip-drip will make a huge dent, and will bring a few remaining "centrist" Republicons around.

Bill Clinton once famously said that people would rather be strong and wrong than weak and right. I think the truth is even simpler and more fundamental:  People want politicians who will fight, even when they're wrong, even when their cause appears lost. And in this case, the cause is clear and right and vital, and if the Democrats can't get it up for this, then again, there is no point in continuing to vote for them. Yes, there is a chance that it will backfire, but refusal to even try will most definitely lead to failure.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


If you find yourself in opposition to the ridonkulously regressive anti-choice bills being shoveled forth throughout Real 'murka, you owe them a huge thanks:  they are clarifying things wonderfully, removing any possible doubts from the well, the establishment Republicons won't let the extra-chromosome crowd kill Roe hack argument. They will. They are. Wishful interpretations of their supposed intentions aren't going to help anyone.

This should not be framed as the typical "pro-life/pro-choice" dilemma. The argument is simple:  either you think women and teenaged girls should be thrown in prison for decades at a time for making their own health care decisions, or you don't. Some inbred, doddering creep who has no clue how women's bodies work, or how basic reproduction and gestation take place, decided that miscarriages should be investigated and treated as homicides. Either you trust those imbeciles, or you don't. There is no longer any middle ground to pretend to defend.

It's interesting how none of these bills address the male's role at all in any of these pregnancies or precious heartbeats. It's even more interesting how so many of the bills have been "crafted" by individuals with literally no idea how women's bodies work, or how medical science works, or how pregnancies work. You can't re-implant an ectopic pregnancy. Women do not know they're pregnant the instant after the male ejaculates in them, nor can they test at that point. And so on. These people aren't just fanatics, they appear to be borderline retarded as well.

And while it's true that this all predates Trump by decades, this is still his baby (so to speak). He's the one who put a couple of middle-aged conservative Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court to decide Roe's eventual fate, when it makes it back there for the overturn in a year or so. He's the one who's been prancing around the country with his fanciful stories about newborns being "executed" because they had the bad luck to be born to murderous parents with serial-killer doctors working out of butcher-shop hospitals. He's stoked the nonsense with pure lies, and these bills are the natural results.

So everyone who is horrified by this, but just couldn't get "enthused" enough to vote for Butter Emails, you own this. It's yours. You did this with your purity-pony bullshit, or because you're too lazy to vote in the midterms, or for state legislature candidates, allowing them to be gummed up with these batshit god-bothering squids. How do you like it?

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

The Biggest Loser

It's been a stock insult here for years, long before he ever decided to waddle for office, that Trump is a terrible businessman and a worse human being. That was not schtick. He's even worse at both of those things than any of us know, and largely for the same reason:  he's never really been held accountable for either.

The mediots always returned his calls and gave him a forum to bray his bald-faced (and, you know, bald-headed) lies. And he's always had just enough money to keep shysters on retainer, knowing that since he could outlast most people in court, he'd only pay the people who could afford to keep up with him in our so-called chambers of law, which of course only apply to the peons.

Obviously this is also the reason why, despite insisting he'd show them years ago, if only Preznit Chocolate Thunder would release his birf certificate, Trump has reneged countless times on showing his tax returns. I don't even think his cult fan base seriously believes he's under audit; they just know it's more libturd pwnage, for which they'd be more than happy to watch their opioid-infested fuckholes sink below the waves of the next annual five-hundred-year flood.

It's pretty simple -- Trump's tax returns (and they will come out, sooner or later; the NY State Senate is preparing to pass a bill to allow his state returns, which should be more or less the same as his fed ones, to be released upon request) will show more of these humungous annual deficits in income. Which can only mean one of two things (actually, more likely to be some measure of both):
  1. He's every bit the fucking moron he appears to be. There is not a legitimate business venture that you can conceive of, that would not go bankrupt within three years with this water-brained dipshit at the helm. This is a person, after all, who lost money selling steaks, gambling, vodka, and football, to Americans. That's how fucking bad of a businessman this clown really is.
  2. To obtain all the possible loopholes and deductions, he undervalued his income and oversold his losses. Which is, you know, fraud. Just like his overvaluing his asset worth on his Deutsche Bank loan apps is fucking fraud (in the other direction). It's not "smart," it's fucking illegal, and it's about time the fucking law started applying to scumbags like Donald Trump. Regular people go to prison for that kind of shit. What the hell is so goddamned special about this asshole, anyway?
Anyway, yeah -- fucking shit fake-ass pretend bullshit wannabe nevergonnabe bidnessman. Whatta surprise. You just wait -- it's even worse than we know, worse than we can imagine. Watch. That fucking asshole's been humping 'murka's leg for forty years now, thanks to the mediots who let him use them as his personal PR arm. Everything he's done over the years only gets worse, the more you find out about it. Wouldn't be at all surprised that he shorts stock options in soybeans (which got nailed by his dumbass trade war) and Boeing.