Thursday, January 13, 2005

Falafel This, Asshole!

This, as my Texan grandmother used to say, is a good 'un.

I have to admit some initial surprise that anyone still bothers watching this sanctimonious sack of shit bloviate, but then I suppose Faux News viewers are really just there for the choir-preaching. If they wanted actual information, they'd read. And while I admit to having occasionally found the Loofah Man's cranky contrarianism entertaining (after all, there is common ground), I quickly found his show unwatchable for two rather idiosyncratic reasons:
  1. I simply cannot stand being read to. The "talking points" at the beginning of the show. You're supposed to elaborate on them, schmuck! I can read them well enough, I don't need the extra vocal inflections.

  2. Reading the viewers' letters at the end. Again, what is the supposed payoff here? Why am I supposed to care that some dittohead in East Overshoe, TN, thinks that whatever the problem, it's Clinton's fault?

So the first and last segments of the show are padded with this useless nonsense, and the middle, of course, is Falafel Boy barking at some hapless passersby. You can pretty much get this from the guy pushing the shopping cart that harasses you for spare change when you're just trying to walk to freakin' Starbucks for a nice latte.

Nevertheless, The O'Falafel Factor is a crash course in the road-rage mentality of political discourse. I don't have a problem with the anger -- it can be very useful and powerful, pointed in the proper direction -- so much as the sheer lack of useful content. Lots and lots of heat, very little light.

So I have to give major props to George Clooney, for refusing to take shit from this asshole. He shouldn't have to. No one should have to. These guys sit there and get paid enormous sums for their high-handed sanctimonious bullshit, while they turn around and indulge in drugs, fuck around on their wives (or just dump 'em and find another), go to kinky sex clubs, or gay-bait while they lead a closet life.

There's no better time than right now for the backlash to begin. We don't have to fucking take it, the endless lib-baiting, and equating secular liberalism with some unholy sleazy lifestyle. That's a crock of shit; we know it, and more importantly, they know it. It's just another cheap tactic in their arsenal.

So let the backlash begin, and this time, slap 'em down with a vengeance. Regardless of the rightness of principles and beliefs, this is a street fight, and Democrats and liberals have stood there in a boxing stance for far too long, thinking that it's Marquess of Queensberry rules, while the Republicans kick 'em in the nuts, punch 'em in the throat, poke 'em in the eyes, etc.

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