Friday, January 14, 2005

Harry Windsor And The Costume of Stupid

While the world is temporarily agog at the sight of Prince Harry in his Afrika Korps uniform, replete with swastika armband, several other, more fundamental questions arise.

  • Does anybody in their right mind still really give a shit what the various inbreds of the House of Windsor do? If so, for the love of God, why?

  • The British press, long known for its merciless ball-kicking, seems amazed that Harry might like to knock back a couple of pints, and maybe burn a fat one once in a while. Sounds like a significant portion of humanity out there.

  • The British press also likes to regularly pepper their "commentary" with cheap shots and innuendo about Harry's true paternage (yes, goddammit, "paternage". It's a real word, isn't it? There's no doubt as to who his mum was.). Then they wonder at his aggressiveness when the same people talking neck about his mum follow him to pub and fuck with him. Sounds like about what any of us would do.

  • And yet, the real issue is bigger than Harry's specific choice of costume. At the very least, it shows that his position inoculates him from a great deal of common sense. But how about the theme of the party itself? "Colonial and Native". What the fuck is that, besides useless upper-crust swells with more money than sense, making light of an enormously brutal era of human history, from which an entire continent is still struggling to recover.

Oh, Harry can do another couple runs at the Lesotho Children's AIDS camp or something, rehabilitate his image yet again by showing that he cares. And he probably does, to a certain extent. But he'll still be ignorant of the larger issues at hand, still not be cognizant as to exactly why "colonial and native" soirees are utterly repellent in concept. If he truly understood, he'd give it all away and learn a proper vocation, and earn his keep.

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