Monday, January 17, 2005

Illustrated Inauguration Haiku

(a miniature epic in eight stanzas -- be sure and check out all the mouse-overs)

Forty million bucks
Don't forget to thank your "base"
But why no Kid Rock?!?

Two hundred Humvees
with the best armor for troops
is what it could buy

A full day of war
and dozens of body bags;
"Black Tie and Boots" Ball

The people's party
as long as your name's that of
a corporation

That's what we expect
from this administration --
fucked priorities

Extra protection
and massive security
because he's well-loved

It ain't party time --
even Cuban knows better
Take it down a notch

You're ruining us;
good luck with your 3%
mandate, Chumpzilla

And the home of the brave....

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