Monday, January 03, 2005

Inside Larry King: The Lost Columns

It's been a long time, but it seems like it's been longer, or maybe not long enough....Call me crazy, slap my bottom till it's pink and refer to me as "Katie", but if Levitra doesn't turn out to be the aspirin of the 21st century, I'll eat my suspenders....You've been asking nicely and all, but seriously, if I gave you Mother King's secret recipe for vegetarian bouillabaisse, she'd ground me for a month....Sexy buns beat: pseudo-actor/trouser gerbil David Spade....You know what's really great about Chevy Chase? Me neither....Is it wrong to dream a little dream about being the thin-sliced pastrami in a Paula Zahn/Meredith Vieira sandwich? Well, then I just don't wanna be right....You say to-may-to, I say "Candy Crowley"....Try removing the ball gag first....Don't tell anybody, but I've been using my Congressional Medal of Honor as a drink coaster. Now that Tenet's got one, they're worth about a dollar, which is about .6 euros as of press time....I think I speak for most Americans when I ask, "Why couldn't they have been filming the next Survivor season in Banda Aceh last week?"....Who told you that? Well, it's not true, as far as you know....No truth to the rumor that Steinbrenner is purchasing every single player in Major League Baseball. But, surely as he sacrifices alley cats to his dark infernal master, he's trying his damndest....It's not my fault Star Jones married a gay guy. Oh wait, maybe it is....You take that back! Right now! Please? Pretty please?!?....I'm Larry King, and the next time I come in here, you better break my fifty, Habib.

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