Monday, January 17, 2005

Iraq The Vote

Bush hit for linking Iraq to vote

In an interview with the Washington Post on Sunday, Bush was asked why no one in his administration had been held accountable for perceived missteps on Iraq policy, including being wrong about weapons of mass destruction.

This is where the MSM/SCLM, in its tireless efforts to bend over every which way to appear "impartial" and "unbiased", really just comes off as a little patronizing and dim. "Perceived missteps"? "Perceived" by whom? The implication here is, of course, the usual Democrats and liberals, but we seem to have forgotten already that a lot of serious conservatives, many of whom supported the initial war effort, have publicly changed their minds, mostly because of how disastrously everything was planned (or not planned, as it's turned out).

This effort at so-called objectivity has the concomitant result of conveniently forgetting just how goddamned sure all the principal players were about not just the existence, but the location of the WMD. Down the memory hole, just like every other little thing with these guys. And the media's role is simply as the enablers of the official mythology, rather than as debunker. Which, and I'm sure Fat Boy Russert and the rest of them can correct me (or not), is their actual role.

"We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 election," he was reported as saying.

There ya go. It's laid out, just as sure as sure can be. He's got his 3% mandate, and your giving it to him is merely an affirmation of the correctness of policy. Said policy, both foreign and domestic, boils down to "Suck on it", of course, but hey, you wouldn't have voted for him if you didn't like wearing kneepads, right?

"The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates and chose me, for which I'm grateful."

Funny, that. The last couple months (not weeks, months) of the campaign, we were all treated to stories of the warm fuzzy, where Pravda (uh, I mean the Washington Post) would go talk to some unemployed broke-ass family in Ohio, and get confirmation that they were overlooking Bush's mistakes on Iraq and the economy and jobs to specifically affirm their gut instinct that Bush is a "good man". And all we heard after the election was the "values" bullshit. So somebody's fucking lying or ignorant here.

Or both. Either way, thanks a million, values voters! Way to stick it to Al Franken.

1 comment:

  1. That's the beauty of faith-based science -- you highlight the evidence that confirms your hypothesis, ignore the preponderance of contradictory evidence, and call it good.
    Usually individuals who run their own lives in such a fashion wind up living on a sidewalk in a cardboard box -- or worse yet, Florida.
