Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk

Bull Moose, who knows more about the evangelical right than I do, sagely comments on the Bush administration's continuing propensity to treat the evangelical movement like a Coney Island whitefish.

The NY Times reports that their sacred hearts are specifically broken over Bush's decision to punt on amending the Constitution over gay marriage. (Of course, the memo is dated January 18, so yesterday's head-patting phone call to the pro-lifers had not occurred yet. You can probably add that to their list of grievances now.)

What I find particularly loathesome, in a visceral way in which I did not quite despise these activists up till now, is the ugly political manner in which they're willing to sell out Social Security for their stupid fucking pipe dream, which will accomplish nothing.

"We couldn't help but notice the contrast between how the president is approaching the difficult issue of Social Security privatization where the public is deeply divided and the marriage issue where public opinion is overwhelmingly on his side," the letter said. "Is he prepared to spend significant political capital on privatization but reluctant to devote the same energy to preserving traditional marriage? If so it would create outrage with countless voters who stood with him just a few weeks ago, including an unprecedented number of African-Americans, Latinos and Catholics who broke with tradition and supported the president solely because of this issue."

The letter continued, "When the administration adopts a defeatist attitude on an issue that is at the top of our agenda, it becomes impossible for us to unite our movement on an issue such as Social Security privatization where there are already deep misgivings."

Message sent and received. They know privatization's a scam masquerading as a crisis, which will affect the most vulnerable if it passes, but no matter. Apparently nothing on God's green earth is more important to these fools than making sure homosexuals can't formalize their partnerships which already exist. Talk about trying to close the barn door well after the horse is over at the neighbor's farm. God damn them all to hell anyway. These people are simply rotten and foul to the core. (Gay marriage opposition activists in particular, not religious people in general.)

Not to mention the fact that their quickie analysis of what Americans do and do not support is highly questionable; the most recent polling indicates that support for SS privatization is already dropping, and support for leaving people the hell alone has been steadily gaining. Imagine that. Thank their God that they can't keep their idiot pieholes shut, too -- Dobson delivered that SpongeBob faux pas on a fucking platter.

Once again, this is where crisis becomes opportunity for the opposition party. The Democrats should play up these memos in front of every liberal media microphone they can find. These are incredibly serious times, and this country faces some incredibly serious challenges in the years ahead. It is past time that these unserious, shamelessly foolish people have any sway at all at this level of government. Kick them back to the East Overshoe school board where they belong.

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