Sunday, January 16, 2005

Puppet Show Justice*

Graner sentenced to 10 years

Don't bend over for the soap, Chief.

Actually, if he's serious about higher-ups being involved, this one may not be over -- it's possible he could trade some names for some time. Of course, he'll have to come up with something better than "Steve The Intelligence Guy", as his Hose Monkey #2, Megan Ambuhl, tried to defend Graner with.

Fuckin' and torturin', torturin' and fuckin'. A guy could lose track of time and forget a name or two, you know.

Either way, talk about a tenuous thread. Imagine if Joseph Darby didn't have a conscience, like the rest of these scumbags. Just one guy stepped forward to do the right thing, and all he's gotten for his trouble is death threats.

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