Friday, January 07, 2005

Torture Guy -- How Do I Loathe Thee? Let Me Count The Ways....

Let me start by saying, I don't like Alberto Gonzales. He seems to be the typical Bush appointee -- venal, petty, corrupt, opportunistic, loyal to the point that you figure he'd probably suck dick to win a sack race, if that's what Dear Leader wanted.

First is the long-standing point that Gonzales declared in the infamous memo that the Geneva Convention guidelines were "quaint", and thus presumably inapplicable to the War On Terror. If we truly feel that that is the case, then we should publicly abrogate the treaty, and let the chips fall where they may. The consequences would be ugly indeed. Bottom line -- the time for insisting on special rules for special people is passing for us. We still have the weapons for it, for the time being, but the demographics are against us in the medium-to-long run. But when even the FBI and CIA are disgusted by the interrogation techniques, it's torture and it's wrong. We are better than that; that's what makes us the good guys, not just being born on the "right" side of the pond.

Second is the very high likelihood that this administration is just one Daniel Ellsberg from collapsing in scandal. Thus far it has been avoided, but lame-duck administrations are particularly prone to more press scrutiny, and more aggressive tactics from the opposition party. Gonzales may turn out be as central a figure in such a scandal as John Mitchell was to Watergate. It's speculative, but not by much -- this is an unpopular president, who does not have nearly the political capital he thinks he has. Bush is going to shoot his wad on his little Social Security fantasy, and by the time it finally goes down in defeat, the Republicans may very well be in the initial stages of disarray. Gonzales' actions thus far have not acquitted him terribly well.

Third is the seemingly minor remark Gonzales made, to the effect that he understands that the AG, more than the White House Counsel, is accountable to the people. Well, not really. This is the sort of arrogance that used to get the "Clintonistas" in trouble with the various Republican talk-radio bobble-heads back in the day. You're supposed to be working for and accountable to the people no matter where you are, Al. It's really that simple. What his remark really translates to is that it's now going to be a lot harder to get away with his usual excuse of the dog eating his homework. He might actually have some 'splainin' to do next time.

Finally, there is the issue of competence. Is Gonzales the best person for this job, or even the tenth best? This is, after all, the same guy who was supposed to vet Bernie Kerik before handing over the keys to the Homeland Security Department. Good job he did there, waving through a creepy, authoritarian, corrupt, mobbed-up thug for this monumentally important position, and then lamely passing it off as just another nannygate.

Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit. Gonzales will get in, sadly, because the Democrats just don't have the chops or the juice to keep him out. They'll have their hands full down the road with Supreme Court nominations, as well as all the circuit court retreads Bush wants to run through the gauntlet once more, now that the goalposts have been moved favorably.

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