Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Tsunami and the Islamic World

What remains to be said about the awful tsunami tragedy, and its likely aftermath of cholera, dysentery, etc.? Not much, or so it would seem.

One underlying subtext that has been mentioned in the Western media, but not nearly enough, is the convergence of conspiracy mentality and penury in the Islamic world's response to this epic disaster.

Keeping in mind that the hardest-hit country (Indonesia) also has the world's largest Muslim population, why has the forefront of the response, both financial and logistical, been provided by the Great Satan and his unholy minions? Why has Leo DiCaprio conrtibuted more than Iran? How many times must we step up to defend innocent Muslim citizens (Bosnia, Kosovo, etc.) before their mossbacks get the picture?

Probably never; that's what makes them mossbacks. Still, it's just a leetle off-putting to be committing equipment and personnel from an already short-handed military, and have the assholes in the Islamic media explicitly accuse us of causing the earthquake and subsequent tsunami with underwater nuke testing.

Uh, no. About the only testing we do out there in atoll-land anymore is theater-based missile defense, which, as you might imagine, can be tough to do underwater. Last I checked, the only ones still testing actual nuclear bombs anywhere near that area is -- you guessed it, the French. And I'm sure they've still got the Greenpeace pelts to prove it.

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