Friday, February 18, 2005

Daddy Dearest

I guess you have to at least give Alan Keyes some points for consistency. After spending the summer tilting at Illinois' senatorial windmill, and inveighing loudly in his Marvin the Martian voice against the eeeevils of lesbians, he has carried the battle right into his own family, disowning his 19-year-old daughter, and refusing to pay for any more of her college education.

This must be the "love" part, I guess; it's so hard to tell anymore. I don't know what to make of this sort of "man", except that if there were really such a thing as karma, Keyes' wife would have a mid-life crisis and leave him for the girls' PE teacher at the local high school.

And to think that this jerk almost came within 50 points of beating Barack Obama for that Illinois US Senate seat....

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