Friday, February 25, 2005

Does This Mean I Have To Burn My Rush CDs?

The Great White North asserts itself.

The formal announcement Thursday that Canada will refuse any further participation in the controversial U.S. missile-defence shield was met with an immediate warning that Canada had given up its sovereignty.

Although Prime Minister Paul Martin said Canada would “insist” on maintaining control of its airspace, U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci warned that Washington would not be constrained.

“We will deploy. We will defend North America,” he said.

Being of half-Canadian heritage, we sympathize with our neighbors to the north, and the unique position they find themselves in. After all, they have twice as much land as the US (most of it unusable, but still), yet fewer people than California. This is quite a dilemma.

Of course, thanks to the continuing feckless nonsense from our Dear Cheerleader, more Murkins will be voting with their feet over time, but can't stop us, Canada, you can only hope to contain us.

Remember, this is really for your own good. Trust us.

And when we start pouring maple syrup in the streets, bulldozing Bryan Adams CDs, burning Geddy Lee in effigy, and renaming a certain breakfast meat to "freedom bacon", don't take it too personally. We don't really know what we're saying sometimes.

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