Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Electile Dysfunction; Or, Do Electronic Morons Sharpen Actual Crayons?

Well, it had to happen, you just figured that they'd at least wait for Iraqis to wash the ink off their fingers (assuming, of course, that their water happens to be running at that point of the day). I'm talking about the cheap, sanctimonious triumphalism that's already under way for the official opinion weasels of the former "Daddy Party" (currently Faith-Based™).

A rundown of the SF Comical's Letters to the Editor brings to full display the smug, insufferable bullshit these people delude themselves with. Eleven letters; only three of those had the sense to point out the obvious. As to the rest of them, you'd come away thinking two things:
  1. The last two years of war and occupation, and the previous year of build-up, were all so that Iraqis could cast a relatively democratic vote.

  2. There was no other way on God's green earth that this could have been accomplished. None.

Keep in mind, this is the Bay Area, reputed liberal bastion, sanctuary to godless commies and homosexuals. Remember the "imminent threat"? Remember yellowcake? Remember the "smoking gun becoming a mushroom cloud"; the feckless UNMOVIC pussies not doing their job? Remember WMD?!?

I defy you to look through those letters and find any mention of WM-fucking-D. No, it's all about "spreading freedom" in spite of Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy, and the concomitant sneering assertion that the "American left" is in cahoots with jihadi terrorists. This, to no one's surprise, has been their point all along.

Make no mistake. Sunday's election was wonderful, but it's only a beginning, not an end. And as Kevin Drum points out, we've been down this road before.

At any rate, these idiot finger pointers can go ahead, moisten their fingertips, and point their fucking fingers up their asses. They're more concerned about browbeating their liberal strawman than in engaging in any honest debate on the facts, because they lost that battle long ago, and they fucking well know it.

I'd take a cheap shot at why they would rent their brains out so cheaply, but let's face it -- they gave their brains up for free. Pathetic. Even crack whores get paid. Even Uncle Armstrong and Maggie "Yeah, I Was An Unwed Mother, But Do What I Say Not What I Did" Gallagher make sure to get some compensation for their pimpology.

These suckers do it for free, and just you watch -- in a year, when we're getting ready to saddle up and disarm Iran or pimp-slap Syria, they'll be the first in line to rant about how Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, and anyone who says otherwise is either stupid, a traitor, or likely both.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Heywood, the attention defecit disorder is running double four time on me. Did you write, "Jihadic Terrorists?" or was that "Jeddi Theorists?" I can't keep these evil empires straight in my head these days.
