Friday, February 04, 2005

A Thousand Words

What the fuck is up with this shit?

This perfectly encapsulates the insular, cult-like mentality of the die-hard Bushies. This is pathetic. Can you imagine how many months worth of material Limbaugh and his cohorts would milk out of this if it were Clinton's or Gore's name scrawled across this poor child's melon?

Tell ya what, people. You've already offered up your own child as symbolic sacrifice for this vegetable. Let's just go ahead and rename the months after him while we're at it. All months are hereby renamed "W", with the appropriate numeral appended to the letter. So March will be W3, September will be W9, etc. Change the Christian cross, a "T", to a "W". Ws on every church steeple from Walla Walla to Wilmington. A "W" on Mount Wushmore. No face needed, just the letter. That'll show 'em.

Pathetic goddamned weirdos. Shame on you for dragging a little kid into your goofball bullshit.

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