Friday, February 11, 2005

Values Pimps

James Wolcott gets it, as always.

Here Wolcott eviscerates the shameless values pimps, and what they're really up to:

And, of course, the Super Bowl was so carefully sterilized that it gave the praying mantises nothing to waggle their antenna about this morning. If the cultural-values conservatives ever succeed in cleaning up culture, they won't know what to do with themselves since it was never culture they were interested in anyway. The cultural conservatives of decades past actually read T. S. Eliot, Irving Babbitt, F. R. Leavis, and other custodians of tradition. Today's cult-cons scrutinize cartoons for butt-cracks and tabulate penis references in sitcoms, and then wonder why no one wants to sit next to them in the sauna.

Fuckin' A. You get the distinct impression that James SpongeDob and Brent Bozo and the rest of them spend all their time reading their own, and each other's, press releases. The objective reality of their quest is to make every adult sanitize their taste to accommodate everyone else's six-year-old.

And while we're at it, we'll continue to insist that nipples are eeeevil. Female nipples anyway. If you're looking for fat, hairy man-tits, no doubt one of Fox' innumerable and interchangeable "reality" shows can help you out. Personally, I'd rather see Janet Jackson's sweater fruit than somebody's big fat obnoxious something-or-other. But that's just me.

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