Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Where's Police Brutality When You Could Use It?

Continuing the moron theme from last post....

What the holy fuck is wrong with these assholes, that a billy-club shot across the nose wouldn't cure? This is sort of the same dynamic that permeated the Scott Peterson trial, where packs of idle morons roved across the courthouse steps at will, day after day, needing nothing more than to be brought down by a tranquilizer dart, so they could safely be tagged and released into a canned hunting preserve.

The only difference here is the putative race issue, because Jackson is apparently technically still black. Though, since he's spent the last twenty years having himself bleached and carved, one would think that his notorious ongoing attempt to escape his blackness would discredit him from racial considerations. Nah, that would actually make sense, and these fucking retards with their signs don't have an ounce of that.

Let's face it -- even if Jackson didn't actually get this cancer patient kid drunk, read porno mags with him and jerk him off, he's still guilty of being unforgivably stupid. He paid out $25 million to the other kid 10 years ago, and he puts himself in these situations still? People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to have money, period.

And people stupid enough to waste their time publicly supporting this fool, thereby wallowing in his foolishness by association, ought to ask themselves one simple question:

Would I let my kid stay the night at Michael Jackson's ranch without my personal supervision?

If the answer's "no", then fucking go home already, stupid. If the answer's "yes", I feel sorry for your kids, because they got shortchanged in the parent department.

Oh, sure, it's America, and these idiots have the right to be stupid. Unfortunately for the rest of us, they also have the right to vote, drive cars, and have children.

Dumb motherfuckers.

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