Wednesday, February 02, 2005

With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemas?

We'll get to the requisite State Of The Onion analysis soon enough. But I'm still slogging through the shit transcript, and it gives me a headache just visualizing C+ Augustus fucking it up with his mad oratorical skillz, as we say in da hood.

So, in the meantime, while I have a beer or two and knock back a quick round of Madden 2005, here's a much bigger story to consider:

When I first read this, the first thing I thought was what this article basically confirms. Gee, once again, our good buddies Pakistan. Quel surprise, as les surrender monkeys might say.

We'll see if Gary Cooper wants to take a break from bamboozling the elderly (and the future elderly) to address this, but I'm guessing not.

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