Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Rabid anorexic troglodyte Ann Coulter has gotten one of her recent columns, defending James Guckert, edited by her syndicate, according to Editor & Publisher.

In her usual overkill effort to share the love with her knuckle-dragging readers, she let loose on someone with actual longstanding journalistic cred, sliming Helen Thomas with an anti-Arab comment.

Writing in her Feb. 23 column for Universal Press Syndicate, Coulter observed, among other things, that Guckert/Gannon was a better reporter than The New York Times' Maureen Dowd and his "only offense is that he may be gay." Nothing unexpected there, but Coulter also wrote: "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president."

But when the column got posted by Universal on its Web site, that line had been changed to: "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that dyspeptic, old Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president."

The original column is still available at anncoulter.com and labelled "Universal Press Syndicate."

Of course it is. Annie's gaping piehole is about to get her ass fired yet again, and she defiantly struts her stuff as if it's some sort of anti-PC street cred, even as every word she writes is in the service of defending some of the most establishment figures this country has ever endured.

Give her credit where credit is due -- unlike that fuck-knuckle Guckert and his party overlords, at least Coulter has the balls (and the Adam's apple) to leave her shit out in the front yard for all to see, instead of running like a pussy to flush it all down the memory hole upon detection.

Still, at what point do reasonable people decide that enough is enough from this fucking harpy?


  1. For shame! Picking on a handicapped person. Ms. Coulter is a sociopath with a tenuous hold on reality. If that doesn’t count as a handicap I don’t know what does.
    A lesser person with Ms. Coulter’s problems would have ended up in an asylum or simply enjoyed their fantasies of murder, mass murder, and nuclear holocaust, in the privacy of their bedroom. Ms. Coulter on the other hand has made a career of her fantasies. To paraphrase Plato’s parable of the lemon: Life handed Ann a mad cow and she made hamburgers for her fans

  2. fuck-knuckle Guckertheh heh heh.....that's a funny one

  3. To paraphrase Plato’s parable of the lemon: Life handed Ann a mad cow and she made hamburgers for her fans.That's pretty good. Of course, she also whipped up an enormous batch of Kool-Aid for everyone to wash down their mad-cow burgers with....
