Sunday, April 17, 2005

Man Of The People, Part Duh

On the domestic front, as Dear Leader prepares to sign the usury (uh, I mean bankruptcy) bill into law, one marvels at the sheer cognitive dissonance that allows seemingly otherwise upright humans to seriously believe that this chump gives a flying fuck about them and their lives. Clearly he doesn't, or he wouldn't be selling them out to MBNA.

Then there's the estate tax, which experienced the miracle of marketing strategy and had its name changed to the "death tax". Oooh, scary!

Well, it's for the children. The children of kajillionaires, that is. How's poor useless Paris Hilton supposed to get by, you heartless bastards? Oh sure, you want your deficit reduced and you want your Social Security protected and you want public health and social services and parks and libraries and shit like that, don't ya?

Yeah, well, people in hell want ice water, bub. The have-mores are keeping their parallel system chugging right along (like they'd go to school with the likes of you, serf), while they loot the have-nots to pay for their currency speculation, financial chicanery, bank loans to shithead companies like Enron and World Com, and of course the war machine. We pay the no-bid Halliburton contracts and overcharges, they collect the fat dividend checks.

In a little-noticed estimate confirmed by his office yesterday, Stephen Goss, the highly respected Social Security actuary, has studied how much of the Social Security financing gap could be filled by a reformed estate tax. What would happen if, instead of repealing the tax, Congress left it in place at a 45 percent rate, and only on fortunes that exceeded $3.5 million -- which would be $7 million for couples? That, by the way, is well below where the estate tax stood when President Bush took office and would eliminate more than 99 percent of estates from the tax. It reflects the substantial reduction that would take effect in 2009 under Bush's tax plan.

According to Goss, a tax at that level would cover one-quarter of the 75-year Social Security shortfall. The Congressional Budget Office has a more modest estimate of the shortfall. Applying Goss's numbers means that if CBO is right, the reformed estate tax would cover one-half of the Social Security shortfall.

Dig that, if you will. This asshole has been prancing around the country like it's his own personal aircraft carrier, literally making shit up as he goes along about what a monumental crisis is right up ahead, and how we better act now, and how "all ideas are on the table". Okay. Here's an idea for you, and the low numbers estimate covering half the fucking shortfall.

Now, if Bush wants to seriously debate the issue and try to make an argument about the unfairness of all that, fine. But he won't; even his most slavish tea-baggers know that. He has neither the balls nor the brains for such an attempt, and it's not like he lets anyone near enough to him to ask him a real question or tell him something that doesn't jibe with his preconception of Every Fucking Thing.

And the ironic -- no, knee-slappingly hilarious -- thing about it is, these asshole values voters are exactly the demographic that will bear most of the brunt of these policies, of this retard MBA's abusive fiscal nonsense. They're gonna suck on it the hardest of all, because when the crash comes -- and it will come; we are doing nothing to protect ourselves from any of it -- the blue states will no longer be able to subsidize the red states. That's okay; God will bail them out.

Unfortunately, a lot of other people who did know better about this cock-knocker will also pay the price. But hey, he's one of us, right?

MaxSpeak has plenty more good stuff on the estate tax.

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