Friday, May 27, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

The Golden Gate Bridge. St. Petersburg, Russia. Wild Bill Hickok. Christopher Lee. Heywood J.

What do all these places and people have in common? Today is their birthday. It's a holiday weekend full of steak dinners and barbecues for me, and I still gotta go to work today (though they are taking me out to lunch, which is very cool), so I offer something silly and fun for a change, to see what things and people great and dubious took place on this day in history.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Happy Birthday Heywood! Have fun.KWW

  2. Thanks, KWW and nelly.

    Funny you should mention eating and drinking, nelly....I went to a local out-of-the-way steakhouse, and had a massive prime rib, washed down with a bottle of Merlot and a few glasses of spaten.

    Amazingly, I hit the ground running and did yardwork this morning, so I guess that's a good sign.

    Party on, guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend; I'll be unloading with both barrels again come Monday....hell, maybe Sunday if my trigger finger gets any itchier.
