Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Top Ten Republican Euphemisms For Masturbation

10. "catapulting the propaganda"

9. "watching the State of the Union speech"

8. "having a press conference"

7. "shaking hands with Cheney"

6. "limp fristing"

5. "spreading Freedom Sauce™"

4. "touch-screen voting"

3. "turning the corner"

2. "spanking the Hannity"

1. "disassembling"


  1. What? No milking the horse?

  2. I just call it "spanking the monkey". No reason to hide it or camouflage it. We all do it. :)

  3. "Staying the course"

    "Operation Bio Liberation"

    "Katrina flooding"

    "Milking the press"

    "FEMA" (need I say more?)

    "Contracting for Haliburton"

    "No Sperm Left Behind"

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  5. You know what, the best way, the best way to get over a guy is to get another one and quick deal. Seriously.

  6. Both the husband and wife should share if any of them is suffering from any type of sexual capability or kind of. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Responsibility of man stands first to satisfy his partner at all.

  7. Interesting article!!! Hey I am also fantasy lover. Come on baby, I want to stuck my tongue into your pussy and fuck you…

  8. Ha ha ha!!! Amazing find you made. I like this

  9. Thats very funny!! I like It very nmuch.

  10. Your tips so nice, these top ten republican euphemisms for Masturbation are very useful for me. Thanks

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