Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Just Us Sunday Too

The lunatics re-congregate.

Christian conservative leaders and U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay rallied on Sunday to condemn activist judges and heap praise on U.S. President George W. Bush's nominee for the Supreme Court, John Roberts.

Organizers of the rally, which featured a packed audience at a Baptist church swaying and singing hymns beneath two huge American flags, said they hoped to use the gathering as a "launching pad" to mobilize Christians against judges they say are overriding the Constitution with their decisions.

Yes, swaying and praying and singing and speaking in tongues no doubt, awaiting the grand lineup of pustules like Chuck Colson, Tom DeLay, James "Dog Beater" Dobson, Robert Bork(!), Phyllis Schlafly, and perhaps most infamously, Zell Miller, who is cordially invited to fuck off and die.

The game plan in their weird little bizarro world is to decry the coded fiction of "judicial activism", while demanding exactly that.

The Supreme Court has sanctioned "the right to kill unborn children" and opened the door to legalized "homosexual sodomy," declared Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which co-sponsored "Justice Sunday II."

Me, I'm pro-choice only on the tightest of utilitarian considerations; I figure it's an impossibly tough choice for people to make -- and for the people who don't agonize over such a decision, I wouldn't want them to become parents. There are enough unwanted people in the world.

That said, it's too bad Perkins' mother couldn't have exercised her right to choose. Reasonable people can argue over the morality of abortion, but where the fuck does this knuckle-dragger get off whining about "legalized sodomy"? The obvious implication is that "sodomites" should be charged with breaking the law; i.e., a bureaucratic mechanism should be in place to catch the deviants in their ungodly acts, and then waste valuable court costs and jail space warehousing them.

I wonder if Phyllis Schlafly thinks her gay son should be harassed and fined and imprisoned for who he is. I wonder if Dick Cheney thinks his daughter should be. I wonder why these good parents don't tell busybody scumbags like Tony Perkins to mind their own fucking business. But as much contempt as I have for Perkins, it is nothing compared to what I could say about parents who tacitly allow their children's private lives to be cynically used as political currency. It is beyond despicable.

James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, told the 2,200 mostly white people in Two Rivers Baptist Church: "It doesn't matter what we think. The court rules." The Supreme Court, he said in a video broadcast, has created "an oligarchy. It's the government by the few."

Dobson should consider reading the Federalist Papers some time. Madison makes it pretty clear that the judiciary is intended to keep a check not only upon the other branches of government, but on the people as well. Tyranny of the majority and all, but if you said "de Tocqueville" to these screwballs, they'd be horrified at something so Fronch being rubbed in their faces.

Rest assured, these idiots hate America and Americans. They love their idea of what America is supposed to be, a white Christian haven. Sure, they've co-opted some black churches, due to many blacks' cultural conservatism especially regarding the issue of homosexuality. But they're all on the downlow. Denial isn't just where Egyptians wash their clothes.

Rejected Supreme Court nominee Robert H. Bork warned that the high court has defined homosexuality as "a constitutional right . . . and once homosexuality is defined as a constitutional right, there is nothing the states can do about it, nothing the people can do about it."

Yes, and? Why is that such a bad thing? Why isn't someone's private sexuality (as always, prefacing with the caveat of willing adult human participants, for the "slippery slope" retards that posit the legality of marrying goats or 11-year-olds) their own damned business? What interest should the state have in denying such a fundamental right -- which again actually means something?

When I first became politically aware, to me "conservative" meant someone who sincerely felt that governmental interference in the lives of private citizens was always a detriment. But these people have an awful lot invested in involving the government in something so fundamental as sexual issues. What is their obsession with homosexuality, anyway? They're meddling with the law here. They seem to think that getting their way just means adding an amendment to the Constitution, noting for the record that God hates fags.

But that sort of thing sets wheels in motion; it provides cover for people who have no problem with the idea of legally institutionalizing their discriminatory inclinations. It would allow bosses to fire and landlords to evict, tacitly if not overtly. It would send a signal to homophobes that it's open season.

I'm not sure what makes these people tick, besides an overwhelming desire to, as I've been saying, make everyone else pay allegiance to their invisible friend. Well, sorry, if there is a God, and these freaks really do represent Him, then who would truck with such a deity? Either we have free will or we don't; either final judgement is rendered unto God -- rather than the likes of Robert Bork -- or not.

Shit, they can't even retain logical consistency in their own damned delusions.

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