Sunday, August 07, 2005


The Lone Star Iconoclast is giving an ongoing play-by-play of the protests at Bush's ranch by several anti-war groups.

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq last year, is seeking a meeting with President Bush, who is vacationing in Crawford, to have some of her questions answered about the war. Several busloads of interested individuals are expected in Crawford to support her cause. Sheehan has said that she is willing to camp out in Crawford until she gets to meet with the President.

Mrs. Sheehan may want to consider joining forces with fellow mothers who have lost their children in combat, give it something snappy and memorable. I suggest Mothers Against Drunk Dipshits. They could use the media to establish a meme, rename Bush's ranch to the Arbusto Chickenhawk Sanctuary.

I'm dead serious here; I think given the current American mindset, the only thing required to really crumble the Bush house of cards is some smart sloganeering. The corollary to that is that only some smart sloganeering and idea marketing will work against a monster constructed of the same material.

[Tip O' The Hammer to Jurassic Pork for the link.]

[update: CNN also has coverage of the protest, and comments from Mrs. Sheehan.]

1 comment:

  1. Not a problem. Spreading the word's the important thing. I'd blogrolled you, btw.
