Thursday, August 25, 2005

Mr. Bubble

Just when you think Bush can't get any dumber or more disingenuous, he goes and proves you amazingly, tragically wrong.

Despite more violence on Wednesday in Iraq, Mr. Bush said, "What's important is that the Iraqis are resolving these issues through debate and discussion, not at the barrel of a gun."

Would somebody please hand this moron a newspaper, any newspaper, from any date over the last year or so? Only at one of these tiresome spoon-feeding sessions can he get away with such nonsense. Really, he might as well have trotted out the old "Mission Accomplished" banner.

It just never ends with this guy. He truly has no sense of reality.

1 comment:

  1. You said it, guys. (Love the totenkopf bit, Craig -- of course, I was thinking more along the lines of scheißkopf, but that's me.)

    I think this strategy of feeding and watering the base exclusively will backfire -- it has to. And it's indicative of how desperate they've gotten. They have nothing left but to pander to the core.

    In the near term, it probably will work for them -- it's hard to take a shot at what military families are supporting. But whatever. This country is supposed to be under civilian oversight; there are no special dispensations on policy decisions for those in military service. They know exactly what they're getting into, and we all hope they come back safe and sound, but that doesn't entitle their decisions to automatically negate ours.

    But it's obviously a sensitive subject that can't really be approached in the media, so it'll stave off some of the wolves for now. But Cindy Sheehan was clear and articulate and passionate on Bill Maher's show last night, and she seems determined to galvanize a nascent anti-war movement.

    At the very least, Bush needs to start understanding that he does owe us an explanation, that he's had more than enough time to get his shit together, and that fending the American people off with petulant, snippy remarks is not going to cut it anymore.

    As for the click revenue, I wish. I don't know who the fuck is spamming me with that shit, but either I get a cut, or they get the fuck out. I'm tired of that shit in my e-mail box; I sure as fuck don't want it in my blog.

    Besides, how can I re-fi my home when I'm in the middle of enlarging my already gargantuan penis?
