Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Worst. Preznit. Ever.

America's case of buyer's remorse with the tard-in-chief continues, and deepens, like a really bad sunburn. (That one's for all you red-staters out there -- hyuk hyuk.)

Bush has seen his approval rating plummet since he was sworn in for a second term in January, when 57 percent approved of his handling of the job and 40 percent disapproved.

The poll involved interviews with 1,004 adult Americans conducted by telephone Friday through Sunday. The total included 443 who identified themselves as Republicans and 466 who said they were Democrats.

Yeah well, it's not like the rest of us will accept your abject apologies, morons. Voting for a clear and proven dipshit like Bush (see accompanying photo)....

....just because you were "uncomfortable" with John Kerry is no defense, it is a confession to severe retardation. I mean, you did see the debates, didn't you? One guy was able to speak in a thorough and deliberate manner in an extemporaneous format; the other gibbered and babbled like a third-grader who was held back in his ESL classes. The contrast could hardly have been more stark.

While Bush's slide in approval rating continues, a former resident of the White House, Sen. Hillary Clinton, saw her poll numbers rise.

According to the poll, 68 percent of respondents said they feel Clinton is a strong and decisive leader, and 60 percent said they view the Democratic senator from New York as likable.

I've never been much of a Hillary! fan, but compared to a knuckle-dragging fool like George W. Bush, she's a godsend. Compared to George W. Bush, Homer Simpson would be a godsend.

Bush's slumping approval ratings seemed directly tied to the war in Iraq, where near-daily bombings have taken an increasing toll on U.S. troops, Iraqi police and civilians.

Fifty-six percent of those polled said they thought things were going badly for the United States in Iraq, and 43 percent said things were going well.

That same 43% were also likely to be distracted by bright and shiny objects, and be stumped by most Wheel of Fortune puzzles. People who have trouble putting their fingers together in the dark have to set their sights somewhat lower, and fortunately they have found a preznit who can stoop to those standards.

If their megachurch pastor told them to vote for a cartoon character (that is, someone even more cartoonish than Bush), they would probably weigh the pros and cons of such a move, at the very least. They'd vote for George W. Jetson if someone told them he was agin' fags gettin' hitched.

And that, boys and girls, is why we'll be eating the Koreans' dust in another generation. Stupid really is as stupid does.

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