Monday, September 05, 2005

Dick Almighty

Over the weekend, a reader posted a comment asking where the Vice President of the United States might be found in all this post-apocalyptic scenario. I was sure that I had heard a blurb that the Prince Regent had been spotted at his page's side on Friday, as Bush somberly intoned whatever one of the elves had scripted for him. I swear I had heard that, but further checking last night and today has turned up nothing. So perhaps he is still incommunicado. Maybe he's still fly-fishing in Buttfuck, Wyoming.

Or maybe he's dead.

Strangely, this page won't let me copy-and-paste anything. No biggie; the upshot is that Cheney hasn't been seen or heard from, except to cancel a scheduled visit to the Alberta Tar Sands to observe the method involved in extracting the oil.

One thing is certain about federal government, amidst all the pomp and circumstance and egocentric characteristics of the major players -- everything means something. Cheney is conspicuous by his very absence.

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