Sunday, September 04, 2005

Public Piety Trumps All

Just saw on the CNN Headline News crawl that Queen Condi attended services this morning at the AME Zion Church in Mobile, thus publicly absolving herself from shopping for fuck-me pumps while an American metropolis was fighting for its very life. Hopefully she wore her new-found treasures.

Nice try, bitch. Where would you be without your gutless enablers in the media?

[update: A puff piece on Miss Thang's churchin' has already surfaced.]

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended President Bush on Sunday against charges that the government's sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina showed racial insensitivity.

"Nobody, especially the president, would have left people unattended on the basis of race," the administration's highest-ranking black said as she toured damaged parts of her native Alabama.

Actually, I think we can give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. I don't think Bush is racist; he just doesn't give a shit unless you're a Pioneer or a Ranger, or some other retarded sounding title he gives heavy fundraisers.

Later, during a service at the Pilgrim Rest AME Zion church outside Mobile, Rice nodded in agreement as the Rev. Malone Smith Jr. advised the congregation, "Wait for the Lord."

"There are some things the president can do; there are some things the government can do," Smith told about 300 worshippers during a rollicking two-hour service. "But God can do all things. I want you to know he's never late. He's always on time."

Rice later echoed the call for patience.

"The Lord is going to come on time — if we just wait," she said.

Yeah, you just gotta wait for him to get done fly-fishing in Jackson Hole. Hi-yooooo! No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people? Have they not seen the dead bodies floating, the grannies rotting in lawn chairs on the sidewalk, the dehydrated children?

Really, people, just what the hell is your god waiting for? Feh. Screw 'em -- the world could nuke itself to oblivion, and these people would still be clucking about divine providence comin' to save 'em just in the nick o' time. Whatever.


  1. I just permanently deleted eight spam comments from this post. I want to make something clear: anyone with a legitimate blog is absolutely welcome to pimp links here as much as they want. Not only do I not mind, I welcome the opportunity to help out fellow bloggers. We're all in this together.

    As for you spam cocksuckers, be warned -- I may just get some money together, find some giant psycho prison-dog biker with AIDS, and pay him to break into your house in the middle of the night and ass-fuck you while your wife watches in horror. Let's just say I know some people who know some other people.

    I've about had it with the continued existence of these parasites. I don't want your boner pills or your faggot sex videos, assholes. Fuck off and die already. Clear?

  2. Yeah, good point. I can't imagine Martin Luther King saying what basically boils down to "God will help you out when He's damned good and ready."

    Whatever happened to "The Lord helps those who help themselves"?

    Mainly, I am just totally put off by Rice's attitude -- not only did she see nothing wrong with larking of to NYC for a couple days while the entire Gulf Coast was drowning in misery, human waste, and poisonous snakes, but she thinks she can make it all better by being seen at church. Fucking gall of these people.

  3. Whatever happened to the legendary self-help, pro-active take on life that Protestants are supposedly known for? "Wait for the Lord to do His works?" Are these people on crack? If we're gonna wait for God to do anything at all, then why the hell would we need a fuckin' government at all? Dismantle it already, and hunker down for Jesus to come and fix ev'thing. Why pay taxes any longer, if it's all up to the Lord?

    I can understand a corrupt, fucked-up government acquiescing in this sort of quietistic nonsense, since it absolves THEM of any blame. But the sheer stupidity of some of these so-called Christians is mind-boggling. Now, I'm not in the business of finding heroes and vilains in history, but I'd say that, in this case, it's all Luther's fault (the German Augustinian monk, not the black leader): he opened the gates for the idea that every individual is his own interpreter when it comes to the text of the Bible, and this is how you get all sorts of retards trying to make their own sense of what God is supposed to do or not do. Jesus!

  4. Hey, is your nickname a variation on Bernard gui's 'Malleus Maleficarum'?

  5. Hey, is your nickname a variation on Bernard Gui's 'Malleus Maleficarum'?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
