Friday, September 02, 2005

Retards, Part Three

Either Sean Hannity is the absolute stupidest asshole on the face of the planet, or he's an even bigger lying cocksucker than Oxycontin Limbaugh.

On the August 30 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Fox News host Sean Hannity falsely blamed "the anti-war left" for a protest at the August 28 funeral of Sgt. Jeremy Doyle of Indianapolis, who was killed while serving in Iraq. Hannity read excerpts of an article on the website of Indianapolis TV station WISH describing the protest, adding, "I guess this is just another example of how the anti-war left supports our brave troops." In fact, as The Indianapolis Star reported, the protesters were not anti-war liberals but, rather, members of Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) in Topeka, Kansas, who claim that the deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq are inflicted by God to punish the United States for its acceptance of gays and lesbians.

One of the church's websites claims that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the space shuttle Columbia disaster, and the improvised explosive device (IED) attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq are examples of divine retribution visited upon the United States, allegedly as a punishment for the "sin" of homosexuality. A statement on the website reads: "Thank God for IEDs killing American soldiers in strange lands every day. WBC rejoices every time the Lord God in His vengeance kills or maims an American soldier with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED)."

As irritating as I find the constant disingenuousness of tendentious hacks like Hannity, at least it's predictable nonsense at a controllable level. It's white noise.

However, I can't begin to tell you how pissed off I get when I see the vile sentiments expressed by Phelps and his despicable congregation. If there is a God, He will surely bolt the doors of their "church" next Sunday and roast them alive, slowly, painfully. Imagine -- openly thanking God for blowing American troops apart, piece by piece. Seriously, I cannot read those awful quotes without shaking my head and wanting to physically throttle those bastards. Five minutes and a baseball bat, that's all I'm asking for.

Frankly, I find these "people" to be as lowly as child molesters. I'm seriously surprised that nobody's beat the shit out them yet. What the fuck are you waiting for, people? Failing that, I propose that we offer the BTK killer a pardon, on the condition that he resume his hobby on Fred Phelps and his disgusting followers. Take 'em apart at the joints, Chief.

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