Friday, October 14, 2005

Hazy Shade Of Pinter

Used to be when the Swedes wanted to show their odd sense of humor, they'd do things like give the Nobel Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger, or let Yngwie Malmsteen think he could be bigger than ABBA over here. (I kid the Yngster, he knows I kid.)

Now they've used not one, but two Nobel Prizes this year to slap Dear Leader upside his jug-eared drug-addled melon head. You think he even knows, much less cares?

They've oiled their wagon wheels so we don't hear them sneaking off. They've given up on circling them. They realize it's a pure waste of time and energy to reason with Bush (and by extension, Americans, at least in the political sphere) anymore.


  1. your comments section is fucking hilarious

  2. Yeah, I'm fairly sure the Bushies don't give a damn about these symbolic slaps. Were they to become a threat to the King's ratings, they'd probably try to do something about it--luckily for the Swedes, there's no obvious way to swiftboat the Nobel Committee. Probably letting that peace prize go to ElBaradei rankled quite a few neocons around here (John Bolton, is that your teeth gnashing?), but frankly, how much of the Republican's relevant constituency reads Harold Pinter? Or anything at all but the Bible, for that matter.

    Moreover, Bolton and his gang have done such a thorough job of discrediting the United Nations these days that even when someone at the UN gets such a prestigious prize, many Americans can't bring themselves to give the derrière of a single rodent over that. Someone might even get to repeat the tiresome old cliché of the commie Europeans who just do things to spite the US, since they obviously hate America for its sheer goodness and its "freedoms" (as if Western Europe lived in slavery, or something).


  3. Mitch:

    Yeah, I'm strangely comforted by the notion that I'm in the top 3 for "colorado disabled easy in loan terms". I read that shit and figure that maybe Darwin was wrong after all.


    Oh, there's no doubt that the Bushies and their acolytes don't give a shit about Pinter and ElBaradei -- if they know at all, they'll just take it as affirmation. No question about that.

    But the Euros, as you know, are the masters of the "fight over the shape of the table" school of political strategery and tactics. They're not really sending a signal to us, but to each other. They've given up on reaching us.

    In a more benevolently dominant era, I probably wouldn't care much either. But we're entering a new day, where interdependence and interconnectedness will be our undoing if we don't watch out. And we clearly don't seem to care about watching out.

    By the time we realize that we need our friends after all, they won't be there for us anymore. They'll be China's biggest trading partner, mutually keeping Pooty-Poot blundering behemoth of a nation in an entente system, throwing him a bone every once in a while.

    That's what's notable about the Nobels -- they're figuring out how to move forward around us, rather than with us. They're not going to buy a billboard in Times Square to let us know about it.

  4. Nobels, Schnobels! Who needs 'em?

    How positively quaint!

    We have oodles of Medals of Freedom just begging to be handed out.

    Which reminds me... isn't "Brownie" overdue?
