Friday, November 18, 2005

Last Throe Update

Another day, another massive suicide bombing.

BAGHDAD, Nov. 18 - At least 65 people died in the Eastern Iraqi town of Khanaqin today after suicide bombers detonated explosives inside two Shiite mosques during Friday prayers.

Suicide bombers also killed at least six people near the Hamrah Hotel, a Baghdad hotel popular with international journalists. The dead were believed to be all Iraqis.

The attack in Khanaqin, about 90 miles northeast of Baghdad near the Iran border, occurred when the two mosques were full of worshippers, according to an Interior ministry official.

A third suicide bomber targeted a nearby bank in the town, which is mostly Kurdish and Shiite.

A member of the local council told Reuters that the death toll could eventually exceed 100 people.

Good thing Cheney reassured us this was all about to stop. I'm sure this is all somehow John Murtha's fault.

1 comment:

  1. NO,NO,NO,NO,NO! You're not keeping on message -- it's supposed to be "Homicide Bombers!"
