Sunday, February 12, 2006

Deadeye Dick

Big Time shoots fellow hunter. You just can't make this shit up:

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets.

Harry Whittington, a millionaire attorney from Austin, was "alert and doing fine" in a Corpus Christi hospital Sunday after he was shot by Cheney on a ranch in south Texas, said Katharine Armstrong, the property's owner.

Oops. Shit happens, though. Hunting is dangerous, obviously, and not just for the prey, even in the canned hunts that scumbags like Big Time engage in. But here's what I thought was interesting:

The shooting was first reported by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. The vice president's office did not disclose the accident until nearly 24 hours after it happened.

Hmmm. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something. Seems passing strange that something like this gets sat on for a full 24 hours. One would think that someone in the intrepid librul media would have got wind of this before.

Or is Big Time allowed to invoke national security concerns when he peppers someone with buckshot, or taps an American's phone lines, as opposed to when he enjoins his minions to smear an undercover CIA agent whose husband got a little too uppity?

Cheney is an avid hunter who makes annual hunting trips to South Dakota to hunt pheasants. He also travels frequently to Arkansas to hunt ducks.

Yeah. That's when he takes Combover Tony Scalia with him, and they discuss how Big Time's Energy Task Force meetings cannot be made public.

Because otherwise, someone might get nervous and "accidentally" miss.[cue trite ominous music]

(Maybe someone can talk Ann Coulter into going hunting with Cheney. I mean, that would just be a fucking tragedy if she were to accidentally get a hole blown through her. As always, Annie, I'm just kidding. Pretty hilarious, no?)

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