Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Bush In Hand

Color me surprised; I, like virtually every other observer, had assumed that the Houston Texans were just using Mario Williams to leverage against Reggie Bush in the signing process that tends to preclude the actual draft for #1 picks.

Well, they went ahead and signed Williams. That takes guts. It's not that Williams isn't a talent, it's that Bush's numbers were that good, that they were practically guaranteed. The speculation is that this will shake up the entire draft; I kinda doubt it. The only real question was whether New Orleans would trade their #2 pick down a bit, and now they probably won't, so they can snag Bush. But they probably would have taken Williams otherwise, so the downstream effect should actually be a wash.


  1. surprised you can still lower yourself to care about football.

  2. Not at all, Mitch. I loves me some football, plus all the attendant pageantry -- the playoffs, the Super Bowl, the draft, all that shit. Mostly the game theory and strategy behind it all, but yeah, even the off-season bullshit gets me going a bit.

    Inevitably it is all inexplicably disappointing, not unlike life itself, when you think about it. Ergo, football is life.

  3. interesting. but you've said it yourself. it's a sick outlet for aggression and suppressed nationalistic urges.

    is it really life? the outcomes aren't even settled on the basis of talent. eighty percent of the games are plagued by faulty officiating. it's not one call that determines the result of the game. it's the aggregate miscalls and non-calls that add up to an illegit result. all sports are like that. i only have to go back to lebron's "game winning layup" on friday to prove it. please. how many steps did he take? i just got done watching phoenix-la, game 4. what a joke.

    i was a sports fan for most of my life. i used to play everything. i still watch when i have nothing better to do. nothing wrong with the games. but the professional contests are merely vehicles for marketing campaigns. it's all one vicious cycle of endless promotions.

    sure, if you can get lost in the the "pageantry" of the events and give it meaning and relevance, then it's fun to watch. but it's all a business. the players get the check either way. the owners care more about the quantity of fans than the quality. it's disgusting. the reality is that, since the actual human players are negligible, the fans are really cheering for corporations and owners to win.

    sure, it's a distraction. but nfl draft day (days?), in particular, seems like an unhealthy excess of attention and analysis for so meaningless a diversion. how many consecutive hours were spent on espn analyzing Houston's signing of Mario Williams the day before the draft? i mean my GOD. i kept flipping by espn and that was all that was on. in this day and age, as aware as you are of the real shit in the world i'm stunned that you choose to ignore the transparent fraud of the industry that is sports.
