Friday, April 07, 2006

Taking A Leak

There is no need to belabor the backstory on Bush being revealed as the Leaker In Chief, and already the usual goon squad of lackeys and shills are on the prowl to falsely differentiate between "good" leaking and "bad" leaking. The term "leaking" itself is pretty loaded to begin with, obviously, since it is an all-too-common mode of disseminating official talking points without having to bear the direct scrutiny and responsibility for them.

The bottom line is quite apparent, and the response to those who would attempt to finesse the finer points of leaking is simple -- if Bush wanted to defend himself from Joe Wilson's scurrilous denunciations, then maybe a press conference would have been in order, rather than filtering it down through Scooter Libby's good-time girl (even though she had proven quite adept at swallowing pretty much anything and everything by then).

I dunno. The deniers and defenders keep asking for proof of Bush's bad faith in all this. How many memos must come out of Britain, how many more instances of Bush's clear disregard for law and for credibility do they have to be slapped upside the head with?

We are long past the point where it should simply be assumed that the remaining 30-35% of core supporters are operating out of either ignorance or pure spite. Fuck 'em already. I wouldn't want someone so brain-dead to suddenly jump to my side anyway, that it took them this long to figure it out.

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