Monday, May 01, 2006

Midget Accomplished

Think Progress has helpfully compiled the metrics on this third anniversary of "Codpiece Day" (Digby's excellent appellation), so that when the usual barbarian hordes of Right Blogsylvania get all butt-hurt and emotional about the facts, at least they can't say that they haven't been yet again duly apprised of those facts.

Editor & Publisher also helpfully provides us with a bit of a retrospective on the cowering of the usual SCLM suspects at the time, not that they've gotten any better.

(Incidentally, speaking of butt-hurt, notice the extra effort the media have committed to ignoring Stephen Colbert's brutal smackdown Saturday night. It all comes back to the fact that Colbert was at least as hard on the media weasels as he was on Chimpco, that he scarcely bothered to veil his sheer contempt for all of them, and that he understood that this whole outdated event was a by-product of a bygone era of phony collegiality and forced bonhomie, and he was having none of it. Nor should any of us -- or them, for that matter. Again, what does it take for the journamalistas to realize that as whores, they are easily dispensed with when they are no longer dragging in the rubes, or someone younger, prettier, and cheaper proves to be just as useful?)

(But as journalists, rather than mere whores, they would have to be dealt with. Attention must be paid, and so forth. Perhaps they are simply securing their invites to be embedded with the upcoming Iran campaign, replete with cool desert gear and exclusive video. Whatever the case, the sheer inattention to Colbert's fantastic performance makes it all the more conspicuous by its very absence. Grow up, assholes. This is no longer about playing nice, this is about saving the country from being led further down the road to ruin.)

Anyway, back to Mini-Me's flight suit photo-op. The E&P link has an excellent compilation of the commentary of the time; most insightful and prescient was a very short letter to the editor by a gentleman in Chicago. "Where are the WMD?" Martin Deppe wrote, matter-of-factly. "And who's next?"

Compared to the glib detachment of MoDo and FlatEarth Friedman, perhaps Mr. Deppe could be rewarded with a regular column somewhere.

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