Sunday, May 28, 2006


God's Favorite Lying Sack O' Crap, Marion "Pat" Robertson, has come up with yet another way to test the gullibility of the simps who still hang on his every word: he has come up with a magic elixir which enabled him to leg-press 2,000 pounds.

The "700 Club" host's feat of strength is recounted on the Web site of his Christian Broadcasting Network, in a posting headlined "How Pat Robertson Leg Pressed 2,000 Pounds."

According to the CBN Web site, Robertson worked his way up to lifting a ton with the help of his physician, who is not named. The posting does not say when the lift occurred, but a CBN spokeswoman released photos to The Associated Press that she said showed Robertson lifting 2,000 pounds in 2003, when Robertson was 73. He is now 76.

The Web posting said two men loaded the leg-press machine with 2,000 pounds "and then let it down on Mr. Robertson, who pushed it up one rep and let it go back down again." The Web site said several people witnessed the event, and shows video of Robertson leg-pressing what appears to be 1,000 pounds.

Clay Travis of CBS called the 2,000-pound assertion impossible in a column this week, writing that the leg-press record for football players at Florida State University is 665 pounds less.

"Where in the world did Robertson even find a machine that could hold 2,000 pounds at one time?" Travis asked.

Andy Zucker, a strength-training coach at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, said leg presses of more than 1,000 pounds represent "a Herculean effort, and 2,000 pounds is a whole other story."

Jesus, the guy's not even trying to be credible anymore. What kind of moron believes this, that a 73-year-old man could leg-press even 500 pounds, much less 2,000?

Robertson has moved beyond the scary-silly foreign-policy idiocy he's become known for the last couple years, and is now in the "annoying jerky kid everyone knows is a lying little shit, but no one wants to bother wasting time with" category. Every time the guy opens his mouth, he marginalizes himself, and his dwindling coterie of follower-morons, a little more.

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