Thursday, May 18, 2006

Waking Up With Fleas

The certitude of having God on one's side apparently gives one a limitless appetite for political demands:

The president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of Pennsylvania) says federal and state amendments protecting traditional marriage should be a campaign issue, regardless of what First Lady Laura Bush says.

Last week on "Fox News Sunday," Mrs. Bush commented that although Americans do want to debate marriage amendments, the issue should be addressed with "a lot of sensitivity" and should not be used as a campaign tool. However, AFA of Pennsylvania president Diane Gramley feels the suggestion from the First Lady is not sound campaign advice -- especially for pro-family candidates.

Gramley feels it is tragic that Mrs. Bush does not see the importance of making the marriage amendment a campaign issue. Marriage is of essential significance to America's citizens, the Pennsylvania pro-family leader says, "because it is the foundation of the nation and of any society -- and that is one of the main issues that got the values voters out in 2004."

Being a cynic at heart, I assume that most of the publicly pious politicians -- including Bush -- are Christian by convenience. They have managed to cobble together scant victories by riding this tent-revival bullshit as far it will take them. They may actually believe to some extent, but these dumb little pet issues have just been handy for them in close elections.

And the extra-chromosomers showed up and did their part, and were amply rewarded. Two -- count 'em, two -- Supreme Court justices, including a Chief Justice, vetted by Dobson and Falwell. That's not a bad deal; even Clinton made sure to let Orrin Hatch in on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's nomination.

But is that enough for them? Of course not. They want the whole enchilada, and their priorities are preposterously skewed. They're fine with multiple wars, bankrupting the country, stepping on the poor to keep the rich happy, just the way Jesus wanted it. It's "protecting marriage" that they're obsessed about. And it is an obsession. If one of these goofballs can tell me why Britney Spears should be able to get married twice in one year, the second time to a clown who has apparently never heard of birth control, but the lesbian couple around the corner from me who've been together for thirty years should get treated like third-class citizens, I'd like to hear it.

Someone needs to sit these morons down and explain to them that straight people have been abusing the institution of marriage for centuries, and that right now, this country has much bigger problems on its collective plate. Then again, I guess that fundamental lack of common sense is what makes them morons.

Either way, it's amusing to watch the Republicans have their rabid pit bull finally start to turn on them, insatiable, slavering, dumb and heedless in its one-track mind. Both sides have burned their bridges with endless arrogance, and neither side has anywhere else to turn anymore, so if we're gonna pray for anything, it's that they go down together.

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