Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mock The Vote

So unleash the dogs, the only solution
Forgive and forget? Fuck no, I'm talkin' 'bout a revolution.
-- Corrosion of Conformity, Vote With A Bullet

Feeling robbed and jobbed from the '04 Ohio fiasco? Remember all the stories of Diebold machines "accidentally" miscounting votes? Well, so does RFK, Jr., and he lays out his argument in the latest Rolling Stone.

This is it, folks. If this doesn't incite us to act this November, then maybe we really do deserve what we get.


  1. Following up on your comment at TPMIFFDAAP, here's a question: Why does no one give a shit? Better, why do so many people go so far out of their way to avoid giving a shit?

    I work in a small office, and only 20% of employees even register that there's something even slightly amiss- to the point that if anyone gets near a political subject that's deeper than "that effing Fed" or "the guvmint's fulla crooks" hands get thrown in the air, both sides get called dirty, and the subject gets not merely droped, but actively shushed.

    Call it anti-patriotism. I've been seriously thinking lately that if the US has its collective head that far up its collective ass, then maybe the better part of valor is to get the hell out.

    Just musing.

  2. ueb,

    it's fear and denial. your average middle class whitey doesn't want to think about it: "what if 5 years from now there AIN'T no more middle class, just five rich guys, their soldiers, their serfs, and an ocean of corpses? what if it's already happened here and we're all on a boxcar headed straight for the oven?"

    instead, talk turns to "wasn't the last episode of will & grace sad?" they'll be clucking straight into the chicken pot pie machine, mark my words.
