Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's Good To Be King

Because you can surround yourself with gutless toadies like this asshole:

LEAHY: I don’t think the President was talking about the nuances of the law of war paradigm, he was saying this was going to tell him that he could keep Guantanamo open or not, after it said he could.

BRADBURY: Well, it’s not —

LEAHY: Was the President right or was he wrong?

BRADBURY: It’s under the law of war –

LEAHY: Was the President right or was he wrong?

BRADBURY: The President is always right.

Sure he is, except when he's awake, or speaking out loud, or thinking to himself. Other than that, he's just okey-fuckin'-doke.

Nice to know our tax dollars go to employ footstools like Steve Bradbury.

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