Saturday, July 08, 2006


I think we all already knew that Ann Coulter is clinically insane and a soulless harpy, but apparently she's mildly retarded as well. At the very least, she clearly doesn't understand the irony behind her sneering dismissals of actual science (as opposed to feel-good emotional schmience that's there to give structure and meaning to idiots and ninnies):

In her book Godless: The Church of Liberalism (Crown Forum, June 2006), right-wing pundit Ann Coulter devotes two chapters to a bizarre attempt to disprove the theory of evolution. With a mix of misleading claims, pseudo-scientific arguments, distortions of evolutionary theory, and outright falsehoods, Coulter places herself not only outside the mainstream but truly toward the lunatic fringe. After all, no reasonable person argues that one cannot believe in God and simultaneously accept the findings of decades of accumulated research on evolution. Yet, Coulter appears to believe that in order to prove that liberals are "godless," she must attack evolutionary theory itself.

Though she stops short of saying that the earth is 6,000 years old and Adam and Eve rode through the Garden of Eden on the backs of dinosaurs, in her quest to disprove evolutionary theory, Coulter echoes the arguments of the creationists from whom even many religious conservatives distanced themselves long ago.

So let me get this straight -- Ann Coulter's book is stuffed with lies and misinformation, and inadvertently shows that she has no fucking clue about that which she gets paid gobs of money to write books about?!? I, for one, am shocked to find this out. I mean, you just learn something new practically every fucking day, doncha?

Further down the article is a lengthier article appended, precisely debunking Coulter's manifold lies and false assumptions, and just all-around general promotion of schmience. The nut of it is where and whom she relied on for her schmientific disinformation.

The jacket of Coulter's book states that Coulter writes from a "keen appreciation for genuine science." Inside, she credits a cadre of supporters of intelligent design:

I couldn't have written about evolution without the generous tutoring of Michael Behe, David Berlinski, and William Dembski, all of whom are fabulous at translating complex ideas, unlike liberal arts types, who constantly force me to the dictionary to relearn the meaning of quotidian. [emphasis in original]

Wells, Berlinski, Dembski, and Behe are senior fellows with the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute, a nonprofit think tank that aims to "replace materialistic explanations with the theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God," as recorded in a 1998 internal memo.

Yes, the helpful wingnuts at the "Discovery" "Institute", which is of course neither of those things, whom we and many others ruthlessly debunked throughout the protracted course of the Dover case. And I love how DI is referred to as a "nonprofit think tank", as if grifting wealthy religious fanatics in the service of undermining the American educational system has fuck-all to do with thinking, or the formation of sensible, forward-looking policy.

I mean, shit, if we're going to define "nonprofit think tank" that fucking loosely, then I suppose this blog qualifies as such. I sure as hell don't make any money at it, and at least I'm an intellectually honest thinker, which already puts me ahead of the likes the DI tools. Those motherfuckers are simply rent-a-hacks, which is why Coulter finds them such good company. Skanks of a feather and all.

And what's even funnier is that now that Ann has been exposed as a serial plagiarist, suddenly she starts monitoring her access.

On the July 7 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, correspondent Brian Todd became the latest to discuss the recent allegations regarding right-wing pundit Ann Coulter, who is accused of plagiarizing at least three passages in her recent book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism (Crown Forum, June 2006), as well as portions of several of her Universal Press Syndicate columns.


Coulter reportedly refused to appear for the CNN segment. During the segment, Todd said: "Coulter's publicist said she couldn't appear on camera."

Hee hee. This is so fucking sweet. Coulter shows up at the opening of a fucking envelope to pimp whatever bumwipe she has polluting America's bookstores, but now it appears that she can't take what she, um, liberally dishes out to her adversaries.

It would be nice to hope that somehow all this might sink in to her legions of monkey-spanking fans, but let's face it -- if they had reasoning and logic skills, they wouldn't be giving her bullshit the time of day in the first place. No, it'll all just continue to feed their insane persecution complex, where good Christians are violently harassed for minding their own business, and the eeeeevil dhimmicrats are keeping poor misunderstood Bush and DeLay and company down, preventing them from carrying out the Lord's work.

I mean, look at the current power structure in the American government -- how could those poor saps possibly arrive at any other sensible conclusion?

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