Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Springtime For Gibson

I suppose I should throw my 2¢ in on the Mel Gibson deal, everyone else has. Couple things:
  1. If you have problems with Jews and gays, perhaps acting in Hollywood is not exactly the best business for you to be in.

  2. Gibson has been doing, let's say, pretty well in the Hollywood studio system for about two decades now. Is it really just now breaking news there that he has issues (issues hell, subscriptions) with Jews, or is this something that has been kept down for many a year? This just gets blurted out from nowhere on a fucking .12 breathalyzer? Please. There's a good chance I'm over .12 on any given post.

  3. Probably the most offensive part to me was that Gibson thinks he owns Malibu, that he can just fuck any cop that crosses him. I fucking hate people like that. The Jew thing, whatever. His old man's a lifelong wacko; Mel's just been conditioned by a pro. Sad but true. But this "Don't you know who I am?" bullshit -- hey, fuck you, buddy. You got lucky. There's plenty of guys prettier and more talented than you juggling oranges on the pier. Don't fucking forget that, asshole.

  4. Man, his dad musta did a real number on him. You almost feel like having an intervention to deprogram the fucking guy.

I'm just sayin'. I know, slow news week and all with the preznit ignoring the world blowing up all around his dumb fucking ass, but this weird obsession the "professional" journamalistas are having with this Sideshow Mel thing -- a little perspective, people. And hell, maybe ask the right questions at least once in a while. Of course he's contrite -- he got caught. Who gives a fuck? Grab a shovel and dig, you lazy cocksuckers.

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