Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sticks On A Plane

I suppose the month's not quite over, but our nominee for Dipshit O' The Month for August 2006 is this moron:

HOUSTON - A stick of dynamite was found in a college student's checked luggage on a Continental Airlines flight from Argentina, authorities said, in one of six security incidents Friday affecting U.S. flights.

Federal authorities were investigating why the student, who got off the Continental plane in Houston before it continued to Newark, N.J., had the explosive, FBI spokeswoman Shauna Dunlap said. She said the student did not appear to be connected to terrorism.

Houston Fire Department Assistant Chief Omero Longoria said the man told authorities he works in mining and often handles explosives. Longoria said federal officials were investigating whether the explanation was true.

Even in checked luggage, even if the guy's really not a terrorist, this is just unutterably stupid. At the very least, his college oughta consider kicking his dumb ass out. On the good foot, I guess it means the security checking system worked, sort of. Not a huge story, it seems, but the sheer cluelessness of it all really just boggles the mind.


  1. Bolivian mine souvenir. Sounds crazy, but they give away blasting material for mementos. Google it, it's fer real!

  2. Yeah, I heard that, and I actually believe it. That's the problem -- that this kid was dumb enough to seriously think that this was the coolest souvenir he could (and should) try to bring home from Bolivia.
