Sunday, September 24, 2006

Values Pimps

I don't know if this guy is the same ClownHall commenter called "Coach" whom I recently referred to as a "closet case", but it wouldn't surprise me:

Zachary Daubenmire, recently hired to teach special education at Licking Heights High School, was out on bond Thursday after admitting to downloading video of young girls having sex with adult men onto a family computer.


His father, Dave Daubenmire, says what happened with his son could happen to any family.

The elder Daubenmire is well known locally for being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union for conducting prayers with players before football games at London High School. He is also a longtime Christian leader who has worked to teach others about the dangers of pornography.

"Licking Heights". Jesus H. Christ, they're just begging for it, aren't they? Who names these towns, Larry Flynt?

And no, Coach Dave, it couldn't happen to "any family". It does not happen to most families. One would think that, considering Coach Dave's anti-porn focus, this event might serve him pause to contemplate things, but one would most likely be wrong. It's always the most repressed ones that end up involved in weird shit like this. Score another one for the sainted world of Bobo and Dobson.

At least teh kid wasn't watching SpongeBob SquarePants or Will & Grace. Mighta turned him queer.

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