Sunday, October 15, 2006

All Your Moron Are Belong To Us

Via Froomkin we see this little gem from Brad DeLong:

[Bush:] This morning my administration released the budget numbers for fiscal 2006. These budget numbers are not just estimates; these are the actual results for the fiscal year that ended February the 30th.* [sic] These numbers show that the budget deficit has been reduced to $248 billion and is down to just 1.9 percent of the economy...

[DeLong:] Should we say that the 2004 budget deficit was $412.7 billion, and that half of that would be $206.3 billion--not $248 billion? Should we say that the fiscal year ends in September, not February? Should we say that February never has 30 days? Should we say that February never had--not even before Julius Caesar--30 days?

I think that Bush and his like-minded flock have shown us earthbound reality-based, calendar-based chumps the folly of our ways by this point. It just doesn't matter how stupid this guy demonstrably is -- someone will vote for him just because he affirms their feelings about themselves. Hell, they can't remember which month it is (nor how many days it has) half the time either, so what's the problem?

Let's all just take a hypocritical tip from the Crazy Jesus Lady, and resolve to be more civil to those who spout virulent hatred and rhetorical violence, to achieve grace in opposition to the manifestly graceless, etc., etc.

These people are rapidly outpacing the ability of the language to accurately observe their consistently monumental level of absurdity and outright bovine stupidity. Seriously. If there actually is a God, He's playing one hell of a practical joke.

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