Sunday, October 29, 2006

Down On Duh Corner

Lodged in the midst of K. Lo's unrequited love sonnets to Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney was this choice pas de deux between legacy doofus P.T. Pantload and legacy troglodyte J. Pod. As always, the tie goes to the one who can actually think somewhat coherently on occasion -- which leaves Goldberg back at the gate scratching the spot where his balls should be:

Legacy Thinker #1:

Re: Babbitry [Jonah Goldberg]

JPod - I find your position interesting on this. You came to the defense of Michael J. Fox's ad on stem cell research, saying politics ain't beanbag. But when the Allen campaign zings Webb on his fiction, you sigh that your [sic] "embarrassed to be on the Right." I'm sympathetic to the idea that one can way overread Webb's fiction as a reflection on the man's qualifications as Senator. But I'm just curious as to why you think one is beyond the pale and the other is just good old fashioned politics?

Legacy Thinker #2:

The Webb-Fox Difference [John Podhoretz]

Here's how I'd define the difference. It is true that Jim Talent wants to restrict some forms of stem-cell research. By contrast, Jim Webb does not take a position in support of grown men placing their sons' penises in their mouths.

You can almost feel for J. Pod, as it must take every ounce of will to restrain himself from smacking the Pride of Goucher with something along the lines of, "Do you really need this explained to you, or are you just fuckin' with me?"

I'm sure Goldberg's next struggle against rational thought, if it ever gets released, should provide almost as many inadvertent snickers as that piece of crap Pornmumu wrote and still couldn't credibly defend. Someday these welfare queens will actually have to find real jobs, the Flying Spaghetti Monster willing, and one assumes there will be paper hats involved.

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