Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fuck The Dukestir

I'll take the high road and claim principled opposition to the prison rape, but I secretly hope Dukestir's talking about his anus:

“I hurt more than anyone could imagine and without my faith your constant cruelty would destroy me,” he wrote.

Cunningham cited his religious faith again when he wrote, “The Lord's Prayer forgive me my debts as I would forgive. My first sin each night is the failure to forgive the U.T. Not just coverage but the brutal two and three pages each week that has nearly destroyed me and my family.”

He warned that the “truth will come out and you will find out how liablest [libelous] you have & will be.”

He also complained that Stern and other Copley reporters “only want to write about how I died not how I lived.” And he rattled off a long list of honors he said he earned as a congressman – “Education Man of the Year, Impact Aide Man of the Year, Library Man of the Year,” among others.

Plus he's in the running for Turned-Out Cell Block Punk of the Year, but I don't there's any medal involved.

Seriously, fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Cunningham. May every corrupt grifter in the Duma/Politburo end up sharing a cell with you. His perfidy is well researched, documented, and annotated; he can now add Baldfaced Liar of the Year to his many notable accomplishments. Plus his wife -- who, don't kid yourself, could not have at least intuited what the fuck was going on -- is penniless.

Sometimes the system actually works.

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