Sunday, October 08, 2006

Liberals And Their Media

So I'm watching Bob Schieffer (who I'm sure thinks he means well at least) tackle the still-building Foleygate scandal this fine morning, by having not one but two of the more reliable tools in the mouth-breathing conservatard shed to peddle their lies and propaganda. Having Tom Davis (R-VA) and Ray Lahood (R-Tard) on to speak freely with only Schieffer himself providing rebuttal. So of course it went round and round on "when did Hastert know this" and "how did the gay Democratic mafia that really runs things (which explains the current make-up of our government, if you're incredibly drunk, I suppose) time this so propitiously to damage the sainted Republicans", blah blah blah.

I've iterated this before in re the Swift Boat cocksuckers, but the same principle applies here -- only the Republicans, with their hands squarely caught in the congressional page nookie jar, preying on teenagers, would have the fucking gall to even try turn the blame around on the opposition party. And only this crop of Dems, scared of their own shadows and thinking that their goal is to bamboozle imaginary "values voters", would let them get away with it.

I know that they think that by holding press conferences and issuing stern reprimands, they think they're doing something, but as I relate everything to football, I persist in my belief that when you have a bad team down in the second half, you don't let up, you don't even give them a glimmer of hope of getting back in the game -- you jam that fucking boot square on their neck and keep them prone until time expires. It's nice that Nancy Pelosi is jacking them on their weak attempt to put Louie Freeh and his Deputy Dawg act on the case, but she also needs to find a point person to hit CNN and call these pervert-protecting motherfuckers for what they are. This gall/spinelessness paradigm persists, no matter how Republicans fuck things up, no matter how many of them go to prison, no matter how much they get caught flat-out lying about shit.

It's irresponsible for Schieffer to have on two Republicans -- and ideological hacks at that -- with no impassioned partisan response whatsoever for at least the pretense of equanimity. Hell, it's irresponsible at this point for him to have Republicans on at all to discuss anything about this issue, seeing as how they've absolved themselves utterly from any serious discussion on the matter. They hid it for as long as they could, and now that it appears that one of their own finally discovered a remaining dram of soul that Karl Rove hadn't bled out, their last desperate tactic is to blame the Democrats for all this. This should be laughed straight out of the room from the outset -- and frankly, as I also said before, if the Democrats really had managed to coordinate such a conveniently-timed attack, I'd first thank them for finally understanding the rules that are necessary for fighting these animals, and then suggest that maybe they should have waited a couple weeks more for even better timing.

But the bottom line is that there is not even the pretense of seriousness or intellectual honesty in what these people had to say. Lahood even trotted out the "gas prices are down" line, thus triggering the automatic corollary that if these chumps are responsible for the occasional (and again, conveniently timed) lowering of prices, why are they somehow never even remotely accountable for higher prices? Suddenly it becomes a case of blaming Ronald McDonald for a rancid Big Mac.

So these people have nothing to say, yet Schieffer was happy to let them say, with only mild stock rebuttals and nothing in the way of actual refutation of that which was easily refutable. I'll check the transcript when I have more time tongiht, but I seriously don't think I heard Davis or Lahood once say anything that was actually true, nor did Schieffer seriously call them on it. Then again, if he was serious about his job, he wouldn't have had these clowns on in the first place.

And the elephant in the room here, despite the ministrations of the "legitimate" media, is not sex, it's power and money, and the confluence of privilege. As I pointed out earlier, and as Billmon explained even more elaborately, this is a money game, first and foremost, and Foley was a player because he had an easy seat in a wealthy district, and he was good about kicking campaign surpluses upstairs to the big bosses. That's why NRCC chairman Tom Reynolds went out of the way to protect Foley, and ironically now why the NRCC is spending extra millions of dollars, scrambling to try to save dozens of suddenly vulnerable seats.

Really, if the media filter were ever taken off long enough to allow something remotely resembling the truth to get out, these people would be pitchforked to death. I assume that the media's glad-handing role as the enabler of stupidity and lies is, like the protection of serial predator Mark Foley, all about the benjamins in the end. The sooner people come to their senses and realize that red and blue really make green, the sooner these fuckers can either be shuttled off to prison or paper-hat jobs. Having Tom Davis and Ray Lahood asking me if I want fries with that would make my fucking year.

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