Saturday, October 14, 2006

Northern Exposure

So let me see if I understand this correctly: the Clinton administration engaged in a flawed agreement with perhaps limited success with the North Korean government, but the results of that endeavor were a general suspension of uranium enrichment, and no nuclear program or bombs.

By contrast, the Bush administration has developed a uniquely inept combination of bluster, inaction, and refusal to deal with what they so loudly proclaim to be a brutal dictatorship. They have bravely refused to compromise or engage in any bilateral discussions, and have repeatedly upped the ante by lobbing handy little marketing terms, designed specifically to incite, inflame and embolden. End result: the North Koreans have accelerated their enrichment process, and may very well have tested an actual weapon. The last best hope for this administration, as regards North Korea, may be to try to pull up its pants already and send James Baker over to patch this thing up as best he can.

So for those keeping score on the Axle of Elvis, we have one member developing and testing its nuclear program, another right behind it in similar efforts, and the third devolved into a morass of blood and pain, with no end in sight, at the bargain price of $2bn/week to the US taxpayer. There are your Serious Thinkers, America. How do you like them?

It's no wonder that Fafblog walked away from it -- it's literally impossible to parody the enormous absurdity which circumscribes these blustery idiots running the show, and the brainless halfwits who continue to seriously think that Chimpco has any sort of plan to help this country in any area.

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