Saturday, October 28, 2006

Water Sports

It's nothing short of bizarre, the way Big Time's tacit acknowledgement of freedom-boarding -- of people who have not been charged with a crime, much less tried, mind you -- has been hijacked by this idiotic meta-argument. Did Cheney "admit" something, or can we parse this a different way? Does "dunking" actually mean taking Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to a waterslide park, or the softball dunk tank at a county fair, or can we safely assume that it means what we all know perfectly well that it means?

It's all very cheap and unnecessary, and it bespeaks what we've fallen to, to put it as succinctly as I can. The media enable this nonsensical dialogue as if it had any intellectual merit, thus permitting us to act as if we're shocked, shocked that gambling is taking place in the casino.

We've known it all along, and we haven't done anything about it, nor will we. This is largely retroactive ass-covering anyway, the legalistic equivalent of brushing the dirt under the nearest rug (which was woven by a 10-year-old Pakistani chained to a loom in the first place).

Can we at least abandon the insulting, asinine pretense that Cheney's "admission" is anything other than exactly what it sounds like? Message received, loud and clear: we're gonna do exactly what we wanna do, and there's not a goddamned thing you can do about it. So shut the fuck up, and get back to work, and just tell yourself that all those people we disappeared five years ago were guilty in the first place, even if you know just enough to realize that you really have no idea, and we're never going to tell you.

The worst part of it is that there are plenty of people who agree with Cheney, and worse, and that's the mindset that's really been undermining us all along.

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