Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boycott Chevy

Hey Chevrolet, you think you can beat that stupid fucking John Cougar Melonpatch song into the fucking ground just a little harder? Because thirty-five times per fucking football game just isn't quite enough.

Jesus Christ, I despise these people. And I don't want to hear about how advertising sales offsets the cost for the viewer, either. $60 bucks a month base plus $45 per month during football season for Sunday Ticket, I've subsidized myself quite well enough, thanks. So take your obnoxiously repetitive commercials and shove 'em sideways, you ridiculous fucktards.

Or at least put some titties and beer in them. If I wanted to watch a bunch of guys patriotically buck hay into an oversized truck, I'd subscribe to Ted Haggard Quarterly.


  1. It's no worse than seeing that dumb fuck Toby Keith singing for Ford.

  2. True, in the qualitative sense, but quantitatively, it's not even close, at least 10:1. I've seen the Toby Keith commercial a handful of times; I can't get away from the fuckin' Mellenpatch one.

    So either I'm watching too much football (which is entirely possible, but I paid dearly for it), or they're overplaying that goddamned commercial.

  3. My husband and I are proud Saturn owners. All their parts may not be made in america, but at least the actual cars are made here, and they're at least more than 50% american.. I think.

    And I just found out they're going to stop using those nifty no-dent plastic parts that are on my car.

    Oh, great...

    Well, at least they aren't Chevy or Ford.

  4. I can't resist, Heywood...

    "What's wrong, haven't ya ever seen a truck?"

    I know, I know... but it's still pretty damned funny. C'mon...

    The ones I hate are the 'Let's take a classic song and change the words!' commercials. Because, if any song ever made me want to buy a new car, it's 'Let It Ride' by BTO... especially when they change it to "drive, drive, drive don't you wanna drive" or some such plonk. God, I'm helpless aginst these clever marketing campaigns. Helpless, I tell you!

  5. lets boycott chevrolet,now that there government motors they have decided to give toyota a hard time,im a former gm worker,if gm had negative media for all the flaws it has produced to instill on the sheeple,they would have been out of business long ago!!!!remember that!!!!
