Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Habeas Crapus

John Ashcroft was bad enough. Abu Gonzales is a caricature of a stereotypical despot's thug:

"The Constitution doesn't say every individual in the United States or every citizen is hereby granted or assured the right of habeas,'' Gonzales told Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Jan. 17.


Later in the hearing, Gonzales described habeas corpus as "one of our most cherished rights'' and noted that Congress had protected that right in the 1789 law that established the federal court system. But he never budged from his position on the absence of constitutional protection -- a position that seemingly would leave Congress free to reduce habeas corpus rights or repeal them altogether.

The Constitution also doesn't "expressly" empower smug little fuckwits and their hatchet men to throw American citizens in the dock and torture them for four years without charges.

But hey, whatever. Someday -- soon, we hope -- it'll be Gonzales' turn to test that theory out from the wrong side.

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